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The Life of Onj - A Documentary

This is a documentary that I made for my Creative Technologies class. Our assignment was to document anything of our choosing, but it had to be informative. I decided to interview Onjélee Phomthirath around because we had both been through the difficult experience of being transfer students. But unlike me, Onjélee is also a commuter, which makes her story very unique. Being that I know how difficult it can be to be a transfer student, I wanted to tell her story and inform people what it is like to be a transfer and also a commuter. Some challenges I faced through this process was getting enough footage to show all that was being discussed through the interview. Another challenge I had was cutting the interview footage so that it flowed cohesively as a film. What I learned from this process was how much you can learn about someone or something through documentation. I learned a lot about Onjélee during this process, which made it easier to edit footage to show the kind of person she really is and what her life is like.



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